What We Do

This controller’s main function is combining the outputs of the solar system and Generators with the grid. Diesel generators and photovoltaic technology can be combined in perfect harmony. Although these technologies have rarely been in demand by the same users in the past, combining them has now become extremely beneficial technically and ecologically. The entire system is controlled effortlessly by the PV system controller. With the PV-Genset Easy solution, photovoltaic systems can be integrated into existing diesel systems quickly and easily. The solution is optimized for low-voltage applications with one diesel generator.

Most of the inverters which are available in the local market don’t have a remote monitoring option. These inverters are usually installed at the domestic level in the Pakistani Market. Now since these inverters don’t have the capability of logging data and don’t have any provision of online monitoring, clients are mostly unaware of how the system is performing, how the solar system is benefiting him, how much energy he is consuming from the grid and how much energy he is getting from the solar, what is the battery charge level and how much battery is consuming energy from both solar and Grid to charge itself.
Energylive has developed a versatile solution for such inverters that don’t have any provision for online remote monitoring. This solution addresses all the issues defined above for these inverters. The online monitoring device developed by Energylive is a plug-and-play device. All client has to do is plug the device into the serial port of the inverter and the device will start logging data and Energylive application will start showing this data on the mobile screen. A web link will also be given to the client by Energylive which will show the advanced data and graphs on the computer screen. The main and important feature of this online monitoring system is that it has a provision to remotely update the firmware of the monitoring device. As soon as a new and improved firmware update is released for the monitoring system, the firmware will be updated automatically. This will save time for both client and the company and it will also be a bother-free practice for the client.

Solar panels come from many sources around the world, and their quality varies between manufacturers and product batches. The installation quality depends also on the installer’s competence. In short, the best way to prove that the solar panel installation is delivered free of defects is the thermal imaging analysis of the site installation. The thermal imaging report is meant to protect both the customer and the contractor.
- Solar-Panels Survey
- Detect Defected Panel
- Thermal Imaging
- Monitoring System

All-in-One Li-ion Solution
This solution is termed as Smart Energy Management Solution. Engineers at Energylive are brainstorming to develop a similar product with more features. This product will have a solar inverter with integrated BMS and Li-ion Battery. Solar panels will be plugged into the inverter and the product will start producing energy. The main features that will distinguish the All-in-one product from its counterparts available in the market are:
- Cloud-based system monitoring: The generation log of the system will be maintained via a cloud-based data logging system. Similarly, all the alarms generated due to malfunctioning of the system will be stored as well.
- Live Load Management: Right now, sky electric model doesn’t have smart control over the load that is running through the smart inverter. Whenever the load-bearing capability of the inverter is about to be breached, a TSR from sky electric calls the client to limit the load in order to prevent a blackout (tripping of the inverter). In the Energylive model, the inverter will have the capability to check the load demand and power supplied. The load will automatically be limited when a certain limit is about to be breached and a massage will be generated both to the client and the Energylive command center about overloading. This will inform the client to limit its load else the inverter will not provide the power as demanded.
- SOS Button: SOS button will give the client a provision to call for help in case of any disastrous situation. Even though the inverter will have a built-in security system that will force-stop the inverter if anything abnormal happens but for further safety an SOS call provision will be provided in the smart screen of the inverter and this will intimate the installers to act instantaneously to save the system.

Cloud-Based O&M System with SOS Provision
Mostly solar service-providing companies don’t have any well-defined and specified Operations and Maintenance systems for after-sales services. Energylive is developing a cloud-based O&M system that will have the data of all the clients. The solar installer will put a date of the system installation date in the portal and the system will automatically define a periodic timeline for the Operations and Maintenance of the system. These periodic O&M visits will be systematically monitored. The advancement in this system is that the O&M for an old system will be defined depending upon the production of the system. A device will be installed with the inverter which will keep on checking the inverter’s production and if it senses any sort of abnormality in the system, it will generate an alarm both on the client’s mobile application and on the screen of the installer’s control room. In this way, both the client and installer will be aware of the system condition and an O&M visit will be aligned by the installer.
Similarly, an SOS button will be provided to the client within the O&M system which will help the client to call the installer in case of any emergency. This SOS system will also enable the client to call for help if the system is not producing well according to the client.

Battery Management System (BMS)
A battery management system (BMS) is any electronic system that manages a rechargeable battery such as, protecting the battery from operating outside its safe operating area, monitoring its state, calculating secondary data, reporting that data, controlling its environment, authenticating it and balancing it. A battery pack built together with a battery management system with an external communication data bus is a smart battery pack. A smart battery pack must be charged by a smart battery charger.
A battery management system has to distinguish between charging and discharging current limits, dynamically control single cell voltage and temperature during charging and discharging, and give an early warning before disconnecting the pack, allow interdependent or time-dependent cutoff levels, and allow cell equalization.